The mission of Kappa Epsilon is to unite pharmacy students, faculty, and alumni dedicated to empower its members to achieve personal and professional competence, to develop leaders within the profession and community, and to provide professional and philanthropic services.
Collegiate Chapters
Becoming a Member of Kappa Epsilon typically begins at the collegiate level with entry into a Collegiate Chapter inducted at a college or school of pharmacy. A life journey, your participation as Kappa Epsilon Members places you among a long line of historic greats who have significantly contributed to various disciplines of pharmacy and many communities throughout the United States at the local and national levels.
Alumni Chapters
Alumni Chapters offer the opportunity for Kappa Epsilon Members to continue the fraternal bond and share involvement in National Projects that support the work of Breast Cancer Awareness, health care initiatives and community outreach. To date, Kappa Epsilon offers participation in fifteen active Alumni Chapters in major communities across the United States.
Each Collegiate Chapter is assigned a faculty Advisor by the Dean of the School or College of Pharmacy where the said chapter is established. The Chapter Advisor serves as a mentor and guide for each chapter throughout each academic year and is the cornerstone for consistency over time.
Start a Collegiate Chapter
Three prerequisites must be met at a college or school of pharmacy in order to proceed with the colonization process to induct the founding members and confirm status as a KE Collegiate Chapter.
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Prospective Members
Today, both men and women are KE Members. We encourage all pharmacy students who are interested in becoming involved with a professional pharmacy fraternity to consider becoming a member of Kappa Epsilon. All pharmacy students attending a designated college or university where a Kappa Epsilon Chapter is active may contact the respective Chapter President or faculty-assigned Advisor.
The members of the Kappa Epsilon Fraternity encourage one another to become capable pharmacists and share the bond of a lifelong commitment of loyalty and friendship.
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