Kappa Epsilon Member Awards

Kappa Epsilon has played an important role in the profession of pharmacy by supporting both personal and professional development through continuing education for its members; has promoted and supported projects that address women’s health issues; and has furthered pharmaceutical education and research.

As we encourage Kappa Epsilon Members to achieve greatness, it is important that we acknowledge their achievements. In recognition, Kappa Epsilon takes great pride in bestowing and recognizing the many distinguished awards presented to its valued members over the years.

Award Descriptions

Career Achievement Award

The Career Achievement Award was created in 1965 to honor a KE member for their professional accomplishments. It may be awarded annually to an alumni member, and the recipient becomes the KE nomination for the PFA Career Achievement Award. A plaque is presented to the awardee. Nominations are screened by the Awards Committee and final selection by Grand Council. Nominations are due by April 1.

Award Criteria:
• Of national or international renown
• At least 15 years of pharmacy career experience

The nomination form is now closed.

Key of Excellence

The Key of Excellence was established in 1959 to honor an alumni member who has made meritorious contributions to the profession as well as to Kappa Epsilon. The award itself is a key made of yellow gold which carries the lettering Key of Excellence and the coat of arms. Nominations and selection will be reviewed and determined by Grand Council with corresponding vote of Grand Chapter during Convention. The Key of Excellence is Kappa Epsilon’s highest honor.

Award Criteria:
• Member in good standing
• Significant contributions to KE with long-term service to the Fraternity
• Known within the pharmacy community for participation in other associations

KE/Merck Vanguard Leadership Award

The KE/Merck Vanguard Leadership Award was established in 1989 to recognize exemplary pharmacist leaders who are members of Kappa Epsilon Professional Pharmacy Fraternity (KE). Merck & Co., Inc. supports this award. It is awarded annually to an alum at a KE national convention or during a KE event at a national pharmacy meeting. The awardee will receive a plaque and may receive an opportunity to be a speaker during a KE national convention. The final selection of the KE/Merck Vanguard Leadership Award recipient will be the honor of the Kappa Epsilon Foundation. Nominations for this award are due by November 1.

Award Criteria:

The nominee has made sustained exemplary contributions to their area of practice, professional associations, regulatory bodies, or pharmacy education.


INSTRUCTIONS:  The application should be completed by the nominator and should consist of a letter of nomination addressed to the members of the Kappa Epsilon Foundation. Letters of support are appreciated but are not required. Please limit letters of support to no more than three.

The Nominator Must Complete the Following Information:

  • In the nomination letter, please provide examples of how the nominee has made sustained exemplary contributions to their area of practice, professional associations, regulatory bodies, or pharmacy education via the Areas of Focus provided below.
  • Include a copy of the nominee’s resume or curriculum vitae.

Areas of Focus:

  1. Practice
  2. Teaching/Mentoring
  3. Scholarship/Innovation
  4. Community/Professional Service
  5. Recognition by Peers/Awards
  6. Describe how KE influenced the nominee’s career path/growth and/or how the nominee embodies the ideals of KE in their career.
  7. Include other key characteristics that contribute to why you think the nominee should be recognized.

Nominations should be completed using the 2025 KE/Merck Vanguard Leadership Award nomination form below.

Submit a Nomination.

Linda T. Rodgers Memorial Award

The Linda T. Rodgers Memorial Award was established in 1985 to honor a Kappa Epsilon member who best exemplifies Linda`s characteristics of leadership, dedication, diplomacy, friendship, and inspiration to others to attain higher goals and achievements. Linda Rodgers served as KE Grand Council President from 1981 to 1984, and resigned due to health problems. Later that year, Linda died of breast cancer. This dynamic woman, whose motto was “Do it till they tell you, you can`t,” influenced many people during her lifetime. A $200 award is presented annually to a KE Member; in even numbered years to a collegiate and to an alumni in odd-numbered years. Nominations due by November 1.

Alumni – The nomination form can be found here.

Collegiate – The nomination form can be found here.

Metta Lou Henderson Award for Excellence in Academia

The Metta Lou Henderson Award for Excellence in Academia recognizes Kappa Epsilon members who have made a significant contribution to pharmacy education through instruction/teaching, scholarly activities, leadership and service, and advancement of the profession over a minimum of 8 years. Nominations due January 31st in odd year of the biennium.

Award Criteria

  • Nominees must hold or have held a faculty appointment at a college of school of pharmacy
  • Nominees must be members of Kappa Epsilon and have shown a commitment to the Fraternity’s mission. Nominees do not need to be current dues-paying members.
  • Nominees will be evaluated based on contributions in the following areas:
    • Instruction/Teaching – Among the most important qualities are inspiration, leadership, presentation of impactful educational programs, and being a positive role model while demonstrating excellence in the communication of knowledge that motivates students to become outstanding pharmacists.
    • Scholarly Activities – A demonstration of excellence in research (basic, transitional, or applied) or the development of creative advances in patient care, fostering such knowledge in students, and/or advancing educational methods and technology to support innovative work. The accomplishment of scholarly activities should lead to the sharing of knowledge through publications, presentations, and service on boards or committees. Other outcomes might include professional recognition, awards, or grant support.
    • Leadership and Service – A demonstration of sustained service to the profession of pharmacy through academia as well as active involvement in local, state, and/or national pharmacy organizations and/or other health-related organizations through elected office, committee participation, and contributions to program development as well as volunteer service to the profession.
    • Advancement of the Profession of Pharmacy – Key contributions may include helping to broaden pharmacy’s role in healthcare education and deliver through the advancement of interprofessional collaborations, interprofessional education, and community involvement, making significant contributions to the improvement of patient outcomes personally or through the delivery of patient-focused education, and having a positive impact on the professional growth of pharmacist through cutting-edge educational programming.
Nellie Wakeman Fellowship

The Nellie Wakeman Fellowship is a $10,000 award jointly sponsored by the American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education (AFPE) and Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, Inc. It was established in 1957 to encourage outstanding Kappa Epsilon members to pursue an advanced degree in a college of pharmacy graduate program in the pharmaceutical sciences. Applicants must be in the final year of the Pharm.D. program or have completed the Pharm.D. degree and planning to enroll in a Ph.D. degree, Masters degree or combined Residency / Masters degree at an accredited U.S. College or School of Pharmacy. Consideration is given to those who need financial assistance to further their education. At the time of application, the Kappa Epsilon Member must be in good financial standing with the Fraternity. Applications are due by May 1.

The nomination form can be found here.

The PIKE Award

The Positive Impact in Kappa Epsilon (PIKE) Award was established in 2023 to recognize alumni members who have shown dedication to Kappa Epsilon early in their career and made significant contributions to the profession of pharmacy. Nominations are due by April 1.

See the full description, requirements, and process here.

The nomination form is now closed.

Unicorn Award

The Unicorn Award was established in 1985 to recognize alumni members serving as the leaders, workers, contributors and creators who make Kappa Epsilon a better organization. Nominations and selections are made by the Grand Council. Recipients are honored at Kappa Epsilon’s biennial National Convention.

Award Criteria:
• Active participation and involvement within KE
• At least five years of post-collegiate service to KE. Some examples of service include advising a collegiate chapter, participating in an alumni chapter, serving as a KE National Liaison, serving on a national committee and/or serving on Grand Council.

Past Recipients

Career Achievement
2023 Janelle Sabo (Omega)
2022 Karen Hudmon (Psi)
2021 Linda McElhiney (Pi)
2020 Charlene Williams (Beta Mu)
2019 Janelle Perkins (Kappa)
2018 Petra Schultz (Kappa)
2017 Marianne Billeter (Pi)
2016 Donna Heffner (Omicron)
2015 Sherrill Brown (Omega)
2014 Lisa Braccini-Barletta (Omicron)
2013 Gay Dodson (Xi)
2012 Lisa Lawson Gibson (Beta)
2011 Kimberly Broedel-Zaugg (Psi)
2010 Marilyn Speedie (Pi)
2009 Rear Admiral Robert Pittman (Sigma)
2008 Janelle Sobotka (Gamma)
2007 Jo Ellen Rodgers (Lambda)
2006 Cheryl Robinson (Alpha Pi)
2003 Joye Ann Billow (Chi)
2000 Alice Jean Matuszek (Epsilon)
1995 Rosalie Sagraves (Epsilon)
1989 Lucinda Maine (Phi)
1988 Marianne Rollings (Tau)
1987 Joy Donelson (Alpha Mu)
1985 Mary Berg (Iota)
1983 Evelyn Timmons (Theta)
1981 Susan Bartlemay (Xi)
1977 Barbara Nelson (Pi)
1975 Judith Ozbun (Iota)
1973 Donna Myers (Pi)
1971 Metta Lou Henderson (Sigma)
1969 Jean Barshay (Omicron)
1967 Gloria Niemeyer Francke (Pi)
1965 Eunice Bonow (Zeta)
2023 Janelle Sabo (Omega)

Key of Excellence

2023 Lisa Braccini-Barletta (Omicron)
2015 Denise Schultz (Zeta)
2001 Rosalie Sagraves (Epsilon)
1995 Susan Bartlemay (Xi)
1987 Judith M. Ozbun (Iota)
1985 Jean H. Barshay (Omicron)
1981 Metta Lou Henderson (Sigma)
1960 Marjorie Coghill (Gamma)
1959 Eunice Bonow (Zeta)

KE / Merck Vanguard Leadership Award

2024 Linnea Forsell (Alpha)                            2023 Theresa Tolle (Kappa)                            2022 Marilyn Speedie (Pi)
2021 Lisa Beregi (Alpha Delta)
2020 Laura Wilson (Mu)
2019 Donna Heffner (Omicron)
2018 Kim Broedell-Zaugg (Psi)
2017 Dr. Marianne Ivey (Zeta)
2016 Lisa Braccini-Barletta (Omicron)
2015 Petra Schultz (Kappa)
2014 Jennifer Ridings-Myhra (Xi)
2013 Celeste R. Caulder (Alpha Lambda)
2012 LeAnne Davidson Kennedy (Alpha Rho)
2011 Cameron C. Lindsey (Omega)
2010 Linda McElhliney (Pi)
2009 Mary Munson Runge (Honorary)
2008 Suzanne Hussar (Omicron)
2007 Amelia (Amy) S. Bennett (Epsilon)
2006 JoLaine Draugalis (Sigma)
2005 Marianne Billeter (Pi)
2004 Denise Schultz (Zeta)
2003 Winifred Landis (Pi)
2002 Mary Losey (Pi)
2001 Mary Louise Anderson (Omicron)
2000 Alice Jean Matuszak (Epsilon)
1999 Mary Berg (Iota)
1998 Marianne Rollings (Tau)
1997 Lucinda Maine (Phi)
1996 Gloria Niemeyer Francke (Pi)
1995 Joy Donelson (Alpha Mu)
1994 Rosalie Sagraves (Epsilon)
1993 Hazel Pipkin (Xi)
1992 Metta Lou Henderson (Sigma)
1991 Evelyn Timmons (Theta)
1990 Susie Bartlemay (Xi)

Linda T. Rodgers Memorial Award

2023 Petra Schultz (Kappa)
2022 Adwoa Sasu (Rho)
2021 Marianne Billeter (Pi)
2020 April Wayne (Tau)
2019 Jenna Meglio (Alpha Tau)
2018 Anh Tran (Beta Xi)
2017 Linda McElhiney (Pi)
2016 Amanda Parsons (Pi)
2015 Donna Heffner (Omicron)
2013 Gail Jensen (Chi)
2012 Ekeni J. Livingston (Omega)
2011 Lisa Beregi (Alpha Delta)
2010 Jenna Christopherson (Delta)
2009 Margaret Haehl (Pi)
2008 Emily Heil (Lambda)
2007 Elise Ash (Mu)
2006 Lauren Kucharski (Lambda)
2005 Jane Hammock (Pi)
2004 Erika Dittmar Cortes (Kappa)
2003 Lisa Barletta (Omicron)
2002 Mandy Shealey Poston (Alpha Lambda)
2001 Carmela Duva (Epsilon)
2000 Tiffany Strohmeyer (Mu)
1999 Denise Schultz (Zeta)
1998 Angela Browne (Pi)
1997 Kristina Kloos (Alpha Omicron)
1996 Nanette Bultemeier (Pi)
1995 Elizabeth Myers (Lambda)
1994 Daryl Hendrix (Lambda)
1993 Susan Bartlemay (Xi)
1992 Elizabeth Pena Davila-Hargens (Upsilon)
1991 Melanie Beth Hansen (Chi)
1990 Patricia Kuck (Alpha)
1989 Gay Dodson (Xi)
1988 Lisa Cox (Xi)
1987 Brenda Hughett (Pi)
1986 Susanne Scott (Beta)

Metta Lou Henderson Award for Excellence in Academia

2023 Lucinda Maine (Phi)

2021 Metta Lou Henderson (Sigma)

Nellie Wakeman Fellowship

2022 Betsy Stephens (Rho)
2021 Ashley Sotoodeh (Xi)
2019 Elena Fernandez (Tau)
2018 Zaneera Hassan (Tau)
2017 Zaneera Hassan (Tau)
2016 Ashlee Brunaugh (Xi) & Patrick Campbell (Sigma)
2015 Patrick Campbell (Sigma)
2014 Patrick Campbell (Sigma)
2012 Sarah Norman Ashby (Alpha Theta)
2010 Kristin Villa (Pi)
2007 Susan Birket (Mu)
2006 Aleda Hess (Psi)
2004 Teresa Seefeldt (Chi)
2002 Cassandra M. Hancharick (Alpha Phi)
2001 Cecilia Plaza (Sigma)
2000 Cecilia Plaza (Sigma)
1995 Mary Ann Toler Freyaldenhoven (Alpha Theta)
1994 Gina Hurt (Alpha Iota)
1993 Meri Kay Van Veldhuizen (Chi)
1991 Jayne Reading Carter (Alpha Iota)
1990 Sheila Renee Knaub (Mu)
1989 Janet D. Goad (Omega)
1988 Kelley Cunny (Alpha Epsilon)
1987 Danna Ross (Omega)
1986 Monica Gray Holiday (Alpha Epsilon)
1985 Maureen Donovan (Alpha)
1984 Linda Elkins (Omega)
1983 J. Evelyn Lawson (Omega)
1982 Patricia Lurvey (Gamma)
1981 Peggy Hester (Alpha Gamma)
1980 Bernadette Kaminski (Pi)
1979 Carla Brink (Zeta)
1978 Patricia Lee Lurvey (Gamma)
1977 Marilyn Sue Darr (Alpha Kappa)
1974 Georgia Tugend (Omicron)
1973 Susan Kizer (Alpha Lambda)
1972 Lavonne Ann Groth (Gamma)
1971 Phyllis Sawyer (Zeta)
1970 Bonita Herr (Xi)
1969 Florence Pui Fang (Zeta)
1968 Marion Fiedler (Chi)
1967 Marilyn Dix Smith (Epsilon)
1964 Jean Musey Thorne (Alpha Zeta)

Unicorn Award

2023 Nikkina Hankins (Alpha Pi)

2023 Cheryl Hayes (Alpha Nu)

2023 Karyn Nafey (Xi)

2023 Kristina Rosus (Pi)

2023 Ann Philbrick (Alpha)

2021 Carolyn Bondarenka (Alpha Upsilon)

2021 Jennifer Bosworth (Xi)

2021 Salvatore Bottiglieri (Alpha Upsilon)

2021 Christine Bryant (Pi)

2021 Jessica Carper (Psi)

2021 Kristin Fish (Omega)

2021 Monica Knott (Mu)

2021 Lucinda Maine (Phi)

2021 Kim Messerschmidt (Chi)

2021 Melissa Ruble (Alpha Chi)

2021 Teresa Seefeldt (Mu)

2021 Erin St. Onge (Kappa)

2021 Charlene Williams (Lambda)

2021 Laura Wilson (Mu)

2019 Lauren Clouse (Lambda)

2019 Morgan Fleming (Beta Kappa)

2019 Ivey Robbins (Alpha Rho)

2019 Sara Snow (Alpha Chi)

2017 Heidi Anksorus (Lambda)

2017 Chelsea Shields Burns (Alpha Chi)

2017 Melanie Reinhardt (Alpha Theta)

2017 Larel Sampgnaro (Alpha Epsilon)

2017 Alissa Tran (Alpha Delta)

2017 Janelle Bailey Wheeler (Alpha Nu)

2015 Erika Dittmar (Kappa)

2015 Renee Ference (Alpha Phi)

2015 Sandy Hughes (Pi)

2015 Elena Santayana (Alpha Omega)

2013 Dyan Duff (Alpha Delta)

2013 Sloan Fleming (Alpha Lambda)

2013 Elizabeth Kort (Alpha Phi)

2013 Erin Lingenfelter (Psi)

2013 Sara Seng (Kappa)

2011 Linda Byers (Pi)

2009 Sherrill Brown (Omega)

2009 Donna Francioni-Proffitt (Tau)

2009 Catherine Hatfield (Xi)

2009 Jennifer Myhra, (Xi)

2009 Shelly Prince-Stockton (Alpha Iota)

2009 Day Scot (Alpha Xi)

2007 Kim Broedel-Zaugg (Psi)

2007 Kristin Janke (Alpha)

2007 Jo Ellen Rodgers (Lambda)

2005 Elise Ash (Mu)

2005 Jeanie Brown (Mu)

2005 Nanette Bultemeier (Pi)

2005 Margaret Haehl (Pi)

2005 Julie Kreyenbuhl (Alpha Delta)

2005 Cameron Lindsey (Omega)

2005 Angela Massey (Alpha Xi)

2005 Shelly Prince (Alpha Iota)

2005 Stacy Rosemarin (Omicron)

2005 Joyce Sager (Alpha Xi)

2005 Petra Schultz (Kappa)

2003 Linda “Sunny” Munger (Sigma)

2001 Marianne Billeter (Pi)

2001 Cathy Cantini (Sigma)

2001 Jennifer Meglio (Alpha Tau)

1999 Brenda Sue Grass Acker (Pi)

1999 Kathryn “Missy” Halhkat Baker (Professional)

1999 Tina Penick Brock (Alpha Gamma)

1999 Christine Kay Heil Coopman (Chi)

1999 Donna Lane Greene (Epsilon)

1999 Janet Blaich Henglefelt (Sigma)

1999 Susan L. Nyhaug Mogen (Chi)

1999 Rachel Robinson (Advisor, Alpha Gamma)

1997 Carrie Crewson (Eta)

1997 Donna Heffner (Omicron)

1995 Rosemary Dulac (Alpha)

1995 Cathy Hollen (Alpha Iota)

1995 Carlen McLin (Alpha Nu)

1995 Mary Lou Stiles (Alpha Beta)

1993 Lisa Beregi (Alpha Delta)

1993 Mary Berg (Iota)

1993 Joy Donelson (Alpha Mu)

1993 Ida May Englehart (Omicron)

1993 Gloria Francke (Pi)

1993 Jean Matuszak (Epsilon)

1993 Jennifer Myhra (Xi)

1993 Marianne Rollings (Tau)

1993 Ella Smith (Alpha Pi)

1993 Evelyn Timmons (Theta)

1993 Mary Ann Turner (Psi)

1991 Melanie Bienemann (Gamma)

1991 Joye Billow (Chi)

1991 Polly Boyer (Epsilon)

1991 Lisa Braccini (Omicron)

1991 Shirlyn Chaffin (Epsilon)

1991 Rasma Chereson (Zeta)

1991 Rosalie Sagraves (Epsilon)

1991 Denise Schultz (Zeta)

1991 Jean Windesheim (Epsilon)

1989 Lucinda “Cindy” Barkdull (Pi)

1989 Ellen Church (Alpha Beta)

1989 Gay Dodson (Xi)

1989 Rebekah Druetzler (Pi)

1989 Carmela Duva (Epsilon)

1989 Linnea Forsell (Alpha)

1989 Leslie Gardner (Pi)

1989 Metta Lou Henderson (Sigma)

1989 Brenda Hughett (Pi)

1989 Mae Jackson (Lambda)

1989 Anne Lesko (Alpha Omicron)

1989 Patricia Lurvey (Gamma)

1989 Linda McElhiney (Pi)

1989 Judith Ozbun (Iota)

1989 Rose Pan (Upsilon)

1989 Gail K. Ruderman (Gamma)

1989 Dorothy Segerstrom (Sigma)

1989 Excelda Shaw (Chi)

1989 Theresa Staublin (Pi)

1987 Ann Angle (Pi)

1987 Elizabeth Ayers (Lambda)

1987 Jane Brandenburg (Pi)

1987 Theresa Bridge (Pi)

1987 Shirley Cawyer (Xi)

1987 Elizabeth Chalmers (Psi)

1987 Daryl Hendrix (Lambda)

1987 Mary Losey (Pi)

1987 Janice Morton (Alpha Beta)

1987 Deborra Neupert (Alpha Omicron)

1987 Marjorie Preston (Sigma)

1987 Elizabeth Randolph (Epsilon)

1987 Phyllis Supplee (Alpha)

1987 Kathryn Thutt (Lambda)

1987 Vernita Williams (Alpha Xi)

1987 Carol Windisch (Alpha)

1987 Mary Beth Zieglowski (Gamma)

1985 Susan Bartlemay (Xi)

1985 Jean Barshay (Omicron)

1985 Linda Rodgers (Alpha Beta)