

Grand Council

Nikkina Hankins

Nikkina Hankins



President Nikkina Hankins, PharmD, BCACP is a native of Olive Branch, MS. She graduated from the Alpha Pi chapter (Howard University) in 2018. She currently serves as a Medical Science Liaison for Eli Lilly. Nikkina has a long record of service to Kappa Epsilon. She has served on the National Grand Council as VP Membership Recruitment, VP of Communications, and President Elect. When Nikkina is not concentrating on pharmacy and KE, she loves finding new crafts, reading books, and special cuddles with her cat. She finds most of her inspiration from Pinterest.

CharLeigh Steverson

CharLeigh Steverson

Vice President of Communications

Secretary CharLeigh Steverson was born and raised in Florence, SC and she will graduate from the University of South Carolina in 2024. Her current interests are compounding as well as policy and advocacy.

CharLeigh’s involvement in KE began back in 2020 when she rushed the Alpha Lambda chapter in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. Before her service on Grand Council, she served as her chapter’s president in addition to serving on the National DEI Taskforce and the Convention Planning Committee.

Outside of KE, CharLeigh has been a dedicated member to her state pharmacy association as well as APhA.

Maritsa Stephenson

Maritsa Stephenson

Vice President of Collegiate Operations

Elizabeth Heard was initiated into the Alpha Delta chapter in 2019 and received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Mercer University College of Pharmacy in 2022. This past June, she completed a post-doctoral fellowship at NCODA, a community oncology association. Her Kappa Epsilon involvement includes serving as Alpha Delta Chapter President from 2020 – 2021 and receiving the Zada M. Cooper Scholarship Award during that same term. Additionally, she was the Alpha Delta Breast Cancer Committee Chair from 2019 – 2021 and served as the Alpha Delta Pledge Class Social Chair during Spring 2019.
Krissy Bryant

Krissy Bryant

Immediate Past President

Immediate Past President Christine Bryant was born in Anaheim, California but spent most of her childhood growing up in Indianapolis, Indiana. She joined Kappa Epsilon as a pre-pharmacy student in 2010 and was officially initiated into the Pi Chapter in 2012. She received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Purdue University in 2016 and continued her post-graduate education with a pharmacy practice residency in Indianapolis at Indiana University Health. She then went on to complete her specialty residency in pediatrics at Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health.

Christine now lives in Crozet, Virginia where she is the Team Lead for Clinical Operations, Pediatrics and PGY2 Pediatric Pharmacy Residency Program Director at UVA Health Children’s specializing in pediatric solid organ transplant and hospital medicine. Given her passion for preparing the next generation of pharmacists a lot of her practice focuses on precepting students and pharmacy residents in a variety of pediatric subspecialties, to show them that pediatrics isn’t so bad!

Her Kappa Epsilon involvement includes serving as historian, vice president, and president of Pi chapter during her collegiate years. Upon graduation from Purdue, she became involved with the Indiana Alumni Chapter in Indianapolis until she moved to Virginia. This is her fifth biennium on Grand Council, serving previously as VP Membership Recruitment, VP Collegiate Development, President-Elect, and most recently Grand President. She is ecstatic at the opportunity to continue to serve the Fraternity on Grand Council and help pave the way for the next generation of pharmacists, our future pharmacy, and fraternity leaders.

In her free time, Christine enjoys running, hiking, rock climbing, country music, border collies, and anything leopard print.

President Elect

Linda McElhiney

Linda McElhiney

Vice President of Alumni Development

Dayna Gumm

Dayna Gumm

Vice President of Membership Recruitment


Dayna is a 2023 graduate of Purdue University (Pi Chapter) and has been involved with Kappa Epsilon for the past 6 years. During her time in Pi Chapter, she held various positions. In 2022, she became a member of the Intern Program, working under the current president, Nikkina Hankins. She currently resides in Monticello, IN and works as a pharmacist for Kroger Health.

Denise Schultz

Denise Schultz

Vice President of Financial Development


Vice President Financial Development, Denise Schultz, was initiated into Zeta chapter at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, where she received her Bachelors of Science degree in Pharmacy in 1977.  Denise also received a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from the University of Wisconsin, Parkside, in 1987 and a Masters of Science degree in Pharmacy Administration from the University of Texas, Austin, in 1996.  Denise recently retired after working 36 years for SUPERVALU Pharmacies, Inc., Eden Prairie, MN, where she was the Director of Pharmacy Services and Compliance.

Denise has been very involved with Kappa Epsilon on the national level, having held the positions of Vice President Alumnae (1985-1987), Grand President (1987-1991), and Past President (1991-1995).  She has also served on the Kappa Epsilon Foundation board, having held the positions of Trustee (1993-1994; 1999-2001); Vice President (1994-1996; 2001-2003) and President (2003-2005; 2009 to 2011).  Additionally, Denise currently co-chairs the 100thAnniversary Committee, of which she has been an active member since 2013.

Denise is an avid traveler, having been to more than 35 countries around the world.  She has been to all 50 states and to 6 continents.  She hopes to make it all 7 by traveling to Antarctica sometime in the next 3-5 years.  She has also served as the KE Alumnae Cruise Director from 1999 to 2019.

Elizabeth Heard

Elizabeth Heard

Vice President of Collegiate Development

Elizabeth Heard was initiated into the Alpha Delta chapter in 2019 and received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Mercer University College of Pharmacy in 2022. This past June, she completed a post-doctoral fellowship at NCODA, a community oncology association. Her Kappa Epsilon involvement includes serving as Alpha Delta Chapter President from 2020 – 2021 and receiving the Zada M. Cooper Scholarship Award during that same term. Additionally, she was the Alpha Delta Breast Cancer Committee Chair from 2019 – 2021 and served as the Alpha Delta Pledge Class Social Chair during Spring 2019.

KE Foundation Officers & Trustees

Kim Gwiazdzinski

Kim Gwiazdzinski

Foundation President (1st Term, 2025)


Kim Gwiazdzinski serves as Vice President, Outcomes & Value  at Coeus Consulting Group, a boutique strategy consulting firm supporting life sciences companies, payors and health delivery systems.  In this role, she is develops revolutionary market access strategies on behalf of clients to drive value through proven clinical outcomes, optimizing market coverage and ensuring affordable access to products designed to improve patients lives.

Kim is a registered pharmacist with more than 20 years of direct market access experience holding key strategic positions at large National payers including Prime Therapeutics and Cigna, and industry leading pharmaceutical companies Merck, AstraZeneca and NovoNordisk.  She specializes in managed markets strategy, value-based contracting, commercial innovation, pricing and contracting, and affordability.

Rosalie Sagraves

Rosalie Sagraves

Foundation Trustee (2nd Term, 2025)


Rosalie Sagraves is dean emerita and professor emerita at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) where she served as dean and professor at the College of Pharmacy. She also served as co-director of the UIC/US Department of Health and Human Services Center of Excellence in Women’s Health. Later, she was a consultant for the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) in the area of global pharmacy education. She previously served in various academic and clinical positions at the University of Oklahoma (OU), University of Texas at Austin and The Ohio State University (OSU). She received her BS degree in pharmacy from OSU and her PharmD degree from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy & Sciences (USciences). Her areas of education/research include pediatrics, women’s health and global pharmacy education.

Dr. Sagraves has been actively involved in the pharmacy profession throughout her career. Some of her professional activities include service to AACP as chair and secretary of the Section of Teachers of Pharmacy Practice, chair of the Council of Deans, member of the Board of Directors, Brodie Scholar, Interim Chief Science Officer and a founder and first chair of the Global Pharmacy Education SIG. She was a member of the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Board of Trustees, president of its Academy of Pharmaceutical Research and Science, a founding associate editor of Pharmacy Today and an APhA fellow. She is an American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) fellow and chaired its Women’s Health Task Force. She served on the National Institutes of Health Office of Research on Women’s Health Advisory Board, its Women’s Health Research for the 21st Century Task Force and other advisory committees.

She has served Kappa Epsilon (KE) in various capacities including chapter advisor at the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Oklahoma, national president and treasurer, and the KE Foundation as president and board member. She is a member of Rho Chi, Phi Lambda Sigma and Lambda Kappa Sigma (honorary member).

Dr. Sagraves has received various awards for outstanding teaching and leadership such as the KE Merck Vanguard Leadership Award, Career Achievement Award and Key of Excellence. The Professional Fraternity Association presented her with its Career Achievement Award. The OU College of Pharmacy presented her with a Teaching Excellence Award and ACCP gave her an Outstanding Educator Award. The OSU College of Pharmacy presented her with a Distinguished Alumnus Award. She has been awarded multiple Who’s Who awards including the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award. Dr. Sagraves gave the 2018 OSU Doctor of Pharmacy graduation/hooding presentation.

Liz Von Bargen

Liz Von Bargen

Foundation Trustee (1st Term, 2026)


Elizabeth Von Bargen, a Charter member of the Alpha Phi Chapter, received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree and Certificate of Pharmacy Management from the Mylan School of Pharmacy at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA in 2004.  Upon graduation, she worked in Retail Pharmacy for 19 years as a Pharmacist for Giant Foods, Wegmans Food Markets, Sam’s Club and WellSpan Pharmacy York Hospital.  She currently works as a Clinical Community Pharmacist for WellSpan Infusion Services in York, PA, where she provides outpatient IV and enteral products and clinical services to the South-Central Pennsylvania region.

Elizabeth served in various leadership capacities while in the Alpha Phi Chapter at Duquesne University, and was elected on to Grand Council as a collegiate in 2003 as the VP of Membership Recruitment.  She later served as VP of Collegiate Development (2005-2007), President-Elect (2007-2009), President (2009-2011), Foundation Trustee (2011-2013) and Past-President (2011-2013).

Elizabeth resides in New Freedom, PA, with her husband Christopher and son, Connor.

Sloan Fleming

Sloan Fleming

Foundation Treasurer (1st Term, 2025)


Sloan Fleming was initiated into Alpha Lambda Chapter at the University of South Carolina in 1998.  She received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 2002, after which she completed a PGY1 pharmacy residency at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center.  Following residency training, she worked for 7 years as a clinical pharmacist in trauma critical care at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, TN.  Her family then moved back home to the Carolinas and she worked as a staff clinical pharmacist at the Moses Cone Health System in Greensboro, NC.  She currently works as the Volunteer and Trip Coordinator for Gift of Life International.

During pharmacy school, Sloan served as President of Alpha Lambda Chapter and was a 2001 recipient of the Zada M. Cooper scholarship.  Her service to KE after graduation has included a variety of positions on Grand Council: Grand President (2005-2007), Vice-President of Membership Recruitment (2001-2003), President-Elect (2003-2005), Immediate Past President (2007-2009), and Vice-President of Financial Development (2009-2011).

Sloan lives in Chapel Hill, NC with her husband, Greg, and kids, Hannah and David.

Erika Dittmar

Erika Dittmar

Foundation Trustee (1st Term, 2027)


Erika Dittmar was initiated into Kappa Chapter at the University of Florida in 2001.  She received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 2005, after which she completed a PGY1 residency at Baptist Hospital of Miami.  After residency training, Erika spent 10 years as an Emergency Department Clinical Pharmacy Specialist. She is currently a Clinical Pharmacy Manager and Director of the PGY1 Pharmacy Residency Program at Baptist Hospital of Miami. 

During pharmacy school, Erika served in KE leadership roles and was President of Kappa chapter in 2003.  Her service to KE after graduation has included a variety of positions on Grand Council: Grand Council President, President-Elect, and Immediate Past President (2009-2015), and Vice President of Alumni Development (2005-2009). She also served as Foundation Trustee and Ex-Officio (2015-2017). Erika is the proud recipient of the Linda T. Rodgers Memorial Award (2004) and the Unicorn Award (2015).  

Salvatore Bottiglieri

Salvatore Bottiglieri

Foundation Secretary (1st Term, 2026)


Foundation Ex Officio Salvatore Bottiglieri, originally from Montrose, New York, received his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Albany College of Pharmacy in 2008. Sal was initiated into the Alpha Upsilon Chapter at Albany College of Pharmacy in 2004. Sal Bottiglieri completed his pharmacy practice residency in North Carolina at The Moses Cone Health System in Greensboro. Additionally, he completed his specialty residency in Hematology/Oncology with The University of Kentucky in Lexington, under the direction of Dr. Val Adams.

Sal Bottiglieri is currently the Clinical Pharmacy Coordinator in Medical Oncology at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida. Dr. Bottiglieri oversees all clinical pharmacy services in medical oncology and provides direct patient care services to the gastrointestinal, head & neck, and endocrine cancer clinics. In addition to his clinical responsibilities, he provides lectures and clinical rotations for several colleges of pharmacy in Florida. His professional memberships in addition to Kappa Epsilon include Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Association (HOPA), Phi Lambda Sigma, and Rho Chi.

His Kappa Epsilon involvement includes Grand President (2017-2019), President-Elect (2015-2017), Grand Council Secretary (2009-2011), Chair National Projects Committee (2007-2009), Alpha Upsilon Chapter Past-President (2006-2007), Alpha Upsilon Chapter National Convention Delegate (2005 & 2007), Alpha Upsilon Chapter President (2005-2006), and Alpha Upsilon Chapter Vice President (2004-2005). He is also a 2007 Zada M. Cooper Scholarship recipient.

For fun, Sal enjoys long distance running and foot race competitions, exploring the many restaurants and activities of Tampa Bay and Orlando regions, traveling, and various outdoor activities. He lives in Tampa Bay Florida with his wife Sue, daughter Abrianna, and Dalmatian Kona. Sal and his wife are also expecting their second child, a baby boy in October 2019.

Monica Knott

Monica Knott

Foundation Trustee (2nd Term, 2025)


I received my Doctor of Pharmacy degree from University of Kansas in 2003. I received my Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology degree from Purdue University in 1991. After graduating from KU, I returned to Indiana and took a staff position with Walgreens. I am currently pharmacy manager with Walgreens.

During my time at KU, I was initiated into the Mu Chapter in 1999. I served as President and was awarded a Zada M. Cooper scholarship 2001. I was a member of Phi Lambda Sigma and was awarded the 2003 Pfizer Outstanding Leader award.

When not working, I enjoy traveling and sampling craft beers. We are season ticket holders of our local soccer team, Indy Eleven. We have 3 cats and 2 greyhounds. We support and help with the local greyhound rescue group, Prison Greyhounds.

Krissy Bryant

Krissy Bryant

Foundation Ex Officio (1st Term, 2025)


Immediate Past President Christine Bryant was born in Anaheim, California but spent most of her childhood growing up in Indianapolis, Indiana. She joined Kappa Epsilon as a pre-pharmacy student in 2010 and was officially initiated into the Pi Chapter in 2012. She received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Purdue University in 2016 and continued her post-graduate education with a pharmacy practice residency in Indianapolis at Indiana University Health. She then went on to complete her specialty residency in pediatrics at Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health.


Christine now lives in Crozet, Virginia where she is the Team Lead for Clinical Operations, Pediatrics and PGY2 Pediatric Pharmacy Residency Program Director at UVA Health Children’s specializing in pediatric solid organ transplant and hospital medicine. Given her passion for preparing the next generation of pharmacists a lot of her practice focuses on precepting students and pharmacy residents in a variety of pediatric subspecialties, to show them that pediatrics isn’t so bad!

Her Kappa Epsilon involvement includes serving as historian, vice president, and president of Pi chapter during her collegiate years. Upon graduation from Purdue, she became involved with the Indiana Alumni Chapter in Indianapolis until she moved to Virginia. This is her fifth biennium on Grand Council, serving previously as VP Membership Recruitment, VP Collegiate Development, President-Elect, and most recently Grand President. She is ecstatic at the opportunity to continue to serve the Fraternity on Grand Council and help pave the way for the next generation of pharmacists, our future pharmacy, and fraternity leaders.

In her free time, Christine enjoys running, hiking, rock climbing, country music, border collies, and anything leopard print.

Priya Durvasula, Ph.D.

Priya Durvasula, Ph.D.

Foundation IT Advisor


Priya has more than 24 years of combined experience in business and technology strategy development within Pharma, Medical Device, and Supply Chain consulting.  Priya started her career as a senior architect at a Supply Chain services company prior to joining BMS. She joined Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, in 2001, as an IT Business Partner and held roles of increasing responsibilities for several business functions.  In 2008 she was the Global IT Transition Manager as ConvaTec was divested from BMS and she was part of the CIO leadership team at Convatec, Inc as Director of Global Application Management from 2008-2012.  In 2012 she joined Merck & Co. as the manufacturing division SAP Enablement Program Director and was responsible for multiple analytics and process improvement initiatives.  She rejoined BMS in 2015 as the Head, Digital partner for the Global Supply Chain (GSC) organization and drove the digital capabilities for Supply Chain Transformation and later also led the Integrated Global Quality digital transformation at BMS.  Priya joined Eli Lilly & Co. in 2019 as Associate Vice President, Digital Quality, Drug Product & Devices where she has been accountable for providing quality leadership and partnership in the identification, selection, and deployment of applications of technology to implement connected health solutions that enable Lilly’s Connected Care & digital strategy.  In Nov 2022, Priya transitioned to a newly created role of Associate Vice President, Information Systems Quality with a broader global remit.  In this role, she will be accountable for the design, execution, and monitoring of information systems quality management.  She is also accountable for Manufacturing and Quality data governance and will drive innovative approaches to information systems to meet compliance expectations. 
Priya holds a Ph.D. in Civil & Systems Engineering from the University of Virginia and is an alumna of the Harvard Business School from the Executive Education program.  She also holds a Masters in Civil Engineering from UNLV.  She is a published author in peer-reviewed journals and has presented at several industry conferences.


Sarah Eller

Sarah Eller

Executive Director


Sarah serves as the executive director for Kappa Epsilon Fraternity and account executive for the association management company since 2022. From 2012 – 2021, she led the alumnae team for a national women’s association headquarters, focusing on member engagement through practical vision alignment with the organization’s strategic plan. Previous roles include director of a regional youth services organization serving 3 counties in the state of Indiana; event manager for the IUP Natatorium, IUPUI and served as the lead for a national swimming competition, Olympic trials, regional and local competitions, and oversaw a 10-week camp program. Sarah is a graduate of Ball State University.

2023 – 2025 Intern Program

Presley Busch

Presley Busch

Collegiate Operations Intern


Presley Busch is currently a student at the University of South Florida Taneja College of Pharmacy part of the class of 2025. She is a part of the Beta Tau Chapter of Kappa Epsilon Presley is also working on her MPH with a concentration in humanitarian aid, emergency response and homeland security also from USF.    

Her career aspirations are to become an emergency medicine pharmacist and eventually work for non-profits to deliver medical care to underserved communities, specifically communities that are experiencing epidemics and/or disaster relief.

Melody Evans

Melody Evans

Collegiate Development Intern


Melody Evans was initiated into the Alpha Xi Chapter in 2023. She is a third year Doctor of Pharmacy
Candidate at Florida A&M University College of Pharmacy.

Melody has a passion for patients, which has led her to seek ways to make an impact in various
healthcare settings. She has experience in community pharmacy working as a Pharmacy Intern at
Walgreens Pharmacy. Additionally, Melody has clinical experience as a Pharmacy Intern at Archbold
Memorial Hospital, and industry experience as a Clinical Researcher at Xcovery Biopharmaceutics.

Her Kappa Epsilon involvement includes serving as the Alpha Xi Membership Chair and Social Co-Chair
and receiving the KE Foundation Book Scholarship during the 54th National Convention.

Lauren Finch

Lauren Finch



Lauren Finch is a 4th year pharmacy student at the University of Florida College of Pharmacy. Since becoming a member of the Kappa Epsilon Kappa Chapter, she has served as her pledge class Treasure, President-elect, and Chapter President. Her love for Kappa Epsilon is inspired by her fellow members who are always supportive and push her to strive for greatness! She hopes to take on a residency as her next step with an interest in clinical or ambulatory care pharmacy. In her (little) free time, she loves playing dominos and mahjong with friends and cuddling her dog, Scout!  

Leah Franks

Leah Franks

Collegiate Development Intern


My name is Leah Franks, a fourth-year pharmacy student at the University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy and former President of the Alpha Gamma chapter. I am married to my wonderful husband, Noah, and we have two feisty goldendoodles, Swayze and Snoball. My current interests in pharmacy are critical care and solid organ transplantation. I plan to complete a PGY1 pharmacy residency, as well as a subsequent PGY2 pharmacy residency in one of my current interest areas. I cannot wait to give back to KE in the capacity of Intern to Vice President of Collegiate Development in 2023 – 2025. 

Shakneal Gaitor

Shakneal Gaitor

President Intern


My name is Shakneal Gaitor, a PharmD Candidate 2025 at the University of Florida. The inspiration to become a pharmacist came from my late pharmacist-godfather. I received my Pre-Pharmacy studies from Santa Fe College and Saint Mary’s University (SMU), NS, Canada, where I obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. Prior to SMU, I attended the University of the Bahamas, having reside in the Bahamas for most of my life. Upon completion of pharmacy school, I would like to pursue an avenue in pharmacy where I can make a difference in the profession, while giving back to the community.   

Maren Hjortnaes

Maren Hjortnaes



Vice President of Alumni Intern Maren Hjortnaes is originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and resides in a small town north of Milwaukee called Jackson. She is currently attending Concordia University Wisconsin’s School of Pharmacy where she is a P4 and dual degree student receiving her Master of Public Health. She has interned at a local hospital and recently transferred to a mail order pharmacy. 

Maren joined the Beta Pi chapter and was initiated in the fall of 2018. She has served in multiple positions and is eager to start in this new role and the ability to serve Kappa Epsilon nationally. 

Outside of school and work, Maren enjoys being outdoors especially if it’s at her cabin up north, going out with friends, and baking. 

Gabrielle Ortiz

Gabrielle Ortiz

Communications Intern


My name is Gabrielle Ortiz, I am from Kissimmee, FL, and I am a P3 student at the University of Florida College of Pharmacy. I am currently Kappa Chapter President, a clinic officer for Equal Access Clinic Network, a UFCOP Student Ambassador, and an intern for Publix Pharmacy. I was initiated into Kappa Chapter in Fall of 2021 with my favorite pledge class, shoutout Gamma Lambda! After graduation I am interested in pursuing Ambulatory Care residency. In my free time I love to read books, do yoga, and watch TikToks. I am ecstatic to serve GC in this role! Go Gators! 

Shilynne Parker

Shilynne Parker

Communications Intern


Shilynne Parker, a native of Jacksonville, Florida, is a dedicated second-year pharmacy student at the University of Florida College of Pharmacy, Orlando campus. She has a strong interest in critical care and nuclear medicine.  

Shilynne embarked on her journey with Kappa Epsilon (KE) in 2022 when she eagerly joined the Beta-Beta chapter. She currently holds the position of President-elect for the Beta-Beta chapter.  

Shilynne takes immense pride in being a loving mother to a delightful 5-year-old daughter. During her free time, she indulges in her love for exploration through travel and hiking and giving back to underserved communities.  

Tiffany Shouse

Tiffany Shouse

Membership Recruitment Intern


Tiffany is from Cincinnati, OH and will graduate from the James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy at the University of Cincinnati in 2025. She has a current interest in community or internal medicine when she graduates.  

Tiffany’s involvement in KE started in 2021 when she was initiated then ran for President-elect and Spring Recruitment chair. Tiffany is the current Chapter President for the Rho Chapter and is also involved in the National Projects Committee and the Bylaws and Publications Committee.  

Outside of KE involvement, Tiffany works at a community pharmacy enjoys spending time with her family and dog!