
Each Collegiate Chapter is assigned a faculty Advisor by the Dean of the School or College of Pharmacy where the said chapter is established. The Chapter Advisor serves as a mentor and guide for each chapter throughout each academic year and is the cornerstone for consistency over time.

He or she needs to be flexible, open minded, objective and provide direction, when needed. An Advisor needs to be accessible and understand their roles may change every year. Chapters will naturally go through highs and lows. The Advisor, however, needs to recognize when additional assistance is needed and call upon the appropriate person, officers and members.

Past advisors have commented that the rewards of being an advisor come back ten-fold. This role can be very rewarding for advisors and beneficial for chapter members. The national fraternity recognizes the vital role chapter advisors fulfill and is grateful to our advisors for their service.
The information included is designed to serve as a tool for advisors to assist local chapters and fulfill the mission of Kappa Epsilon.

Role of the Advisor

The Role of the Kappa Epsilon Advisor:

• Oversee chapter activities and meetings
• Serve as a role model
• Advise, support and guide chapter officers as needed or when called upon
• Be positive
• Offer advice when called upon and critical during the decision making process
• Encourage chapter members to consider the pros and cons when making decisions and reinforce accountability
• Ensure that the ideals and policies of Kappa Epsilon are upheld
• Serve as a liaison between the national organization, chapter and college or university
• Ensure the chapter is meeting national report deadlines and fulfilling other responsibilities as directed by the national fraternity
• Ensure chapter is operating in accordance with university policies
• Instill and reinforce the need and importance of alumni involvement