(Anh Tran, left)
Please help me congratulate the 2018 Linda T. Rogers Award Winner Anh Tran from Beta Xi Colony! A message from Anh “I can remember the moment I wanted to be a Pharmacist. I was working at a small, suburban hospital and I recall being on rounds with a team that included a Doctor, Pharmacist, Nurse, Dietician, and a Respiratory Therapist. The Doctor asked for input on medications and the Pharmacist confidently offered his recommendations. I was impressed with how much he knew about medicine. I knew from that very moment that I wanted to make an impact like that Pharmacist. I started to research undergraduate requirements, applied to pharmacy schools, and here I am, a P4 on rotation looking forward to graduation. As I reflect back on the past three years of pharmacy school, I can genuinely say that I have enjoyed my pharmacy school experience. Every experience (good or bad) has made me a better, wiser, and stronger person. I have acquired leadership skills through various organizations, maintained high scholastic academic achievement, and have also made everlasting friendships among classmates and Kappa Epsilon. I am truly honored to be awarded the Linda Rogers Scholarship Award. The scholarship will go towards taking my NAPLEX and MPJE as I know these exams are associated with a lot of fees. I also want to add that not only will the scholarship help me financially, but it also a great opportunity to expose KE values and more importantly, spreading awareness about Breast Cancer in honor of Linda Rogers. Our chapter, Beta Xi, is excited about this recognition.
Anh Tran
PharmD Candidate 2019
Chicago State University – College of Pharmacy
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